sometimes it is just sooo fun to say F it! lets just break the rules, or rules were made to be broken....but in this case that is not the case haha
I love this quote "Only by striving to do what you wish to do will you achieve the capability to do it" (unkonwn author)
This shows that it is not always good nor fun to break the rules, this shows that some rules are meant to be kept because in the end you will be happier you did!
So lets hear for the rullles!
Stacey keeps these rules posted on her fridge along with a food combining chart so there is always that constant reminder of the goals she wants to achieve through her healthy lifestyle!Fruitee Rules!
"Only by striving to do what you wish to do will you achieve the capability to do it" (unkonwn author)
1. Thou Shall not Poison Thyself!
2. Do not eat unless hungry
3. Earn your 1st meal (WORKOUT!!!!)
4. Do not eat until 12 noon
5. 1st meal mono sweet juicy fruit
6. Rest for 30 mins after meals
7. Eat one or the other at a time, never together and only once a day preferably @ dinner 1 oz nuts, 1oz seeds, 1/3 large avo, coconut, 1tblsp oil.
8. Veggie meal should be eaten when there is plenty of time for digestion
9. Do not eat after 8pm
10. Water Fast 24 hours at least once a week
11. Fast 3-7 days each season change
12. Tis far better to undereat than to overeat
13. Avoid People, places & things that lead you down the path of temptation
14. If man makes it don't eat It (Jack le lane)
Good Luck!
My youtube channel
Stacey Hearts Fruit